Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

baby read this :')

Haii assalammualaikum ;) sorry lame tak updated malas nak updated takde idea but today i want to post something , see the guy up there in the picture yes that is my super duper power awesome man ilovehimsoverymuch dulu selalu lepak dgn dia bukan slalu boleh dikatakan tiap2 hari lepak dgn dia , he funny he like to make stupid jokes he always make me smile whenever im with him. Today i thank god for sending him to me kalau kite gaduh kan he always lower his voice and make me cool down dia baik sgt thats why ilovehimsoverymuch but .. tuhan sedang menguji kite syg :( i hope you boleh kuat kan hati ea :') be strong syg , know what aku kena pindah luar negara and i will stay there until i finish study hurm agak2 berape lame erk ? hurm , kau slalu kata aku tak sakit kan hati kau aku selalu happykan kau tp hakikatnya aku banyak sakit kan hati kau kan syg aku slalu buat kau sedih im so so sorry kite tak sempat nak jumpa buat kali terakhirkan syg ? takpe lah takde rezeki nak buat mcm mane tp aku masih boleh senyum sebab kite still boleh contact and webcam bile rindu kan ? aku syg kau baby muah :*

*Please: syg aku mintak tolong sangat2 tolong setia kay ? dah janji kan ? and kau kata kau nak tgu aku kan i hope you keep that promise :') Iloveyousoverymuchbaby :')

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